
Expert Tips

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Can AC Cause Allergies?

As the beginning of the summer season approaches, many individuals eagerly prepare their air conditioning systems for the upcoming heat. While air conditioning provides relief from sweltering temperatures, many people ask, can AC cause allergies? In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between air conditioning and allergies, how AC affects allergic reactions, how … [Read More]

Air Conditioning 101: Everything You Need to Know This Summer

Air conditioning is just blowing cold air into your home, right? Actually, no. Cooling the air in your home is accomplished through a relatively complicated process that involves refrigerant fluid that shuttles heat back and forth between an outside compressor as it transforms from a liquid to a gas and back again. It takes quite … [Read More]

4 Signs That A Ductless Mini-Split AC May Be Right For You

There are a lot of options out there for cooling systems. You have the standard central air systems, evaporative coolers, and even the classic window units. And that’s just scratching the surface of the deep, deep rabbit hole that is the air conditioner market. An often-overlooked variety is the ductless mini-split, which shares qualities of … [Read More]

10-Point Spring AC Maintenance Checklist

Even though winter isn’t officially over yet, it is time to start thinking about Spring cleaning. Most folks think about Spring cleaning as a time to get rid of useless stuff you’ve been accumulating over the winter, a time to brush away the cobwebs, and to finally get rid of the dust bunnies hibernating under … [Read More]

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