
Expert Tips

Your Home Comfort Advisors

Getting to Know Your Plumbing System

How often do you really think about breathing? Unless you’re out of breath or you can’t catch your breath, probably not much. It’s just something your body does automatically without you focusing on it. Your plumbing system is the same way. It just works quietly in the background, doing its job. Just like sudden shortness … [Read More]

Copper Pipe Repair: How It’s Done

Copper pipes have long been a staple in plumbing systems, known for their durability and reliability. However, even copper pipes can face issues over time, such as leaks, corrosion, and pinhole damage. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of copper pipe repair, covering everything from understanding common problems to the professional processes … [Read More]

8 Ways to Save Money on Water Bills in Plainville This Summer

Utility bills are a fact of life, but you do have control over how much you put out each month. If you are paying a water bill, you know that costs can get surprisingly high. Water isn’t cheap, and in some locations, it’s quite expensive. If you are a growing family that takes showers, does … [Read More]

8 Energy Efficient Plumbing Fixtures

There are several benefits of having an energy-efficient home; for the environment and your health and safety, but for your wallet, too. When it comes to energy efficient fixtures, most people don’t think about their plumbing. But old and outdated plumbing fixtures don’t only waste water and energy, they can end up costing you hundreds, … [Read More]

7 Reasons You May Seek Faucet Repair in Plainville

How do you know you need faucet repair? First it started small and was easily fixed by turning your faucet knob or nozzle a bit tighter. Then you noticed that the leaking resumed, but it couldn’t be fixed by tightening the nozzle this time. In spite of you yelling at it when it awoke you … [Read More]

6 Tips to Maintaining a Clog-Free Toilet

As a homeowner, chances are good that you have already experienced the displeasure of a clogged or overflowing toilet. In addition to the mess, a toilet that clogs or overflows frequently can cause lasting damage to floor coverings, sub-floors, plumbing infrastructure, and even the ceiling below, when the toilet is located in an upper-level bathroom. … [Read More]

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