
Ductless Mini Split Mass Save Rebates

Your Home Comfort Advisors

In an effort to incentivize energy efficiency, Massachusetts has rolled out a program called Mass Save. Mass Save ductless mini split rebates offer up to $16,000 for qualifying residents and energy-efficient systems. This means older, less efficient systems can be replaced at a steep discount, making them much more affordable for many homes. 

Why Ductless Mini Splits

Ductless mini-split heat pumps are incentivized by Massachusetts due to their energy efficiency and control. These units produce air in the room they are installed in, meaning there is no energy loss from ducts. This loss can be up to 30% when traveling through the home. Minimizing that reduces your energy bill and the strain on your heating system. Ductless mini splits are independent of each other which means you can heat only the rooms you need to. This feature further reduces your energy bill by only using heat where you need it. 

Mass Save Ductless Mini Split Rebates

Mass Save Rebates Available

There are three types of rebates available from Mass Save: Whole-home, partial-home, or Enhanced Heating & Cooling Equipment. The whole-home rebate is available to residences that are replacing their entire heating or cooling system. The partial-home rebate is available to those who are replacing portions of their home with qualifying equipment. The rebate you are eligible for is dependent on the energy usage of your installed heat pump. The enhanced heating and cooling rebate is based on your income, living arrangement, and even your energy provider. 

Ductless Mini Split Rebate Eligibility

To know if you qualify for any of these rebates, you must consider your location, when the heat pump was purchased and installed, who installed the equipment, what type of home you live in, your existing heating system, and complete the form submission. To learn more about the exact details of your eligibility, please visit the Mass Save submission form. 

How To Get Your Rebate

To streamline the rebate process, Dempsey Energy can help. Dempsey Energy is a certified Mass Save heat pump installer. We will help you identify if you qualify for a rebate based on the aforementioned eligibility criteria. Once your heat pump is installed, you can submit for your rebate. Call Dempsey Energy today to replace your existing heating system, and be sure to check out our reviews!

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